1939da kara harbi kale har şeklinde devam ediyor ilmi PLANŞ 76 ” architect's plan) a the measurement (the dimersion) b the dimension line (with the arrow head) © the section d the horizonlal (the horizontal plane, the base) € iha o perpendicular ((he vertical plane, (be vertical) İ the number of the dre- wing (the drawing num. ber) g the front wlew (the front elevatlor) h tbe side view (tbe side elevation) 1 the plan (the top view) k the ground - plan (the foundatlon plan) &.k tbe projeetions 1 the Jettering mthe bill of mate (the bill of materials) n the title of the drawing (the drawing title) . A: die (teshnische) Zeick- nung (der Bauplan) as das Man b der Manpfel eder Sdinitt m4 RE | | | | © MAJİNO HATTINDAKİ “ TEPELERDE MODERN BİR MÜSTAHKEM MEV. MAKTAT fe EYİ er eee Binici MAT MENZİLİ ETE Aİ Ş ıv d die Wagerechte (Wâag- rechte, Horizontale) & din Senkrechte (Ver- tikale) £ die mer & die Vorderansicht (der Avfril) h die Seitenansicht (der Seitenrifi) I die Draufsicht K der Grundriğ gk die Projektlonen (Risse) Il die Be mdie Stüc Zelehnungsnum. (Zeichbnungstitet) 10. CETVEL (tablo) 10. F: le tablesu 10. İ: the table | 10, A: die Tabelle (Ayfstel- tang) HM. GRAFİK 11. F: le diaz pbigue) 11. İ: the gram (the grapb, the chart) TL, A: das Diagramm (Sehau- bild) meme (İs gra» 12. DESİNATÖR (resmi gi. zen, mühendis, fen me eyer eee Ee muru, kondüktör) a gömlek b hesap cetveli (makine) “: le dessinateur (un in. ıleur, un techniclen) R n İn blouse de dessina. teur b la rögle â calculer e draftsman (the draughtaman) or designer (aa enginesr, a techni- cian) a (he draftzman's ove- ralli b the slide,rule 12. «: der Konsiruklour (elin İngenisur, o Teehniker) a der Zefehcamantel bder Rechensel eber 1 NÖNEN İSKEMLE 13. F: le tabouret tovrnant 13, İ: the swivel stool (the revolving $tool) 18. A: der Drekschemel 1M, EVNAK DOYAPI 14. F: Yarmoire /. aux a *. chives 14. İz the plan fili (the cabinet nett of drr- ş cnbinet wers, the drawing officer cabinet) 141, 4* Asp Zetehnungesehrank (das — Zeiehnungearehiv) TAYARE DAF TOP VETMTRAYOZ İH KAZEMATİ * MAZEMAT > TE j iz MERKEZ ORG AYOLU v f15. RESİM YUYARLAĞI N A (yuvarlanmış resim) İ 15. F: da rowlenu de densin | 2 drawiig roll | 15. A: die Zelehnungsrolle | / 16. TAKSİMATLI CETVEL | (üç köşe cetvel, altı muhs | telif nisbeti tahvil için) | 16. F: la rögle graduda | a İs röğle triangulaire (une rögle de röductlon İ pour six rapports diffö. | renls) 16. İ: the scale a the trlangular scale (a n scale for six different o propotlons) 16. A: der Maflstab a der DreikantmaĞtab (ein Verkleinerunge, N mafstab für sechs ver- #chişdene o Verhültnis- se) redu (17. SURU BOYA TAKDI | (kutusu) Ia boite.de couleura box (the t - bax, the box of : the colour pa weter-colours) 17. A: der Farbkasten (Far- benkasten, — Malkasten) 413. FIRÇA (sulu boya firev 5i5 SU RAZNESİNİ MUNAFAZ SÇİNGETON ORTÜ - a | pa w